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Hypnotherapy is a method of psychotherapy that utilizes the power of the subconscious to change one's thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Hypnotherapy relaxes the analytical, conscious part of the mind while simultaneously focusing on the subconscious part. By working with the subconscious, the client can change maladaptive thought patterns that sabotage her intended outcomes.
Hypnotherapy is a fast and effective therapy that helps with:
Fertility Struggles
Trauma Resolution
Weight Control
Sleep Disorders
Child Birth
Panic Attacks
Chronic Pain
To view 100+ other issues that Hypnotherapy helps, click here
How does Hypnosis work?

A typical hypnotherapy session consists of four stages - induction, deepening, stimulating an experience, which is the working stage, and termination.
The induction occurs at the beginning of a hypnotherapy session. The induction is when the therapist helps the client relax her body and mind through progressive relaxation or "eye fixation." Deeping involves descending a set of stairs or hearing stories that seem non-linear and hard to follow. This process confuses the "critical factor" of the conscious mind.
The critical factor is the analytical part of the mind that filters information to determine if it fits within previously held beliefs. These beliefs may be formed early in childhood and can limit development. During the induction, the critical factor relaxes. This allows access to the subconscious, which stores 90% of one's thoughts, beliefs, and motivations for most behavioral patterns.
During hypnosis, a client can examine her subconscious beliefs to decide whether they are valid or no longer serve her needs. If the assumptions are outdated, the client can choose to change them. Through working with the subconscious level, we can make immediate and lasting changes to help the client with their presenting problem.
What is Hypnosis like?

Hypnosis is a natural state that one experiences multiple times a day - while driving, watching television, listening to music lyrics, and in that twilight state just before falling asleep. It feels much like ordinary waking consciousness with a high level of focus, similar to when you are engrossed in a book or movie. On average, a person spends seven out of every 90 minutes in a hypnotized "trance" state.
A hypnotherapy client will sit or lie in a comfortable chair with their eyes closed. The therapist will make some suggestions to help the client relax her body. The relaxation creates a meditative state where a person can focus on the therapist's words and her own internal feelings. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, so the client can only reach this state if she allows it to happen. The client is in complete control of the process and can end it whenever she chooses. Once the session is over, most clients feel clear and centered and remember what transpired.